Teach Basic Counting and Adding

Adding and Counting Activity

Check out this "hands-on" activity for practicing simple addition from 0 to 10. We'll show you how to put together this adorable activity in under ten minutes using only five supplies! Read on to find out more.

It's the perfect summer math activity for little ones! This math activity uses a child's hands as a visual aid to assist with basic counting and adding. The only things you'll need to make your counting hands are construction paper, a pencil, scissors, tape, and plastic numbers.

Basic Counting and Adding Activity

Alternatively, you can ask the child to draw a number at random and bend the fingers to match the digit they chose.

How will you use this activity with your little ones? For counting? Adding? Both? We want to hear from you! Drop us a line in the comment section below.

If you're looking for more exciting math activities, check out our interactive math lessons on iKnowIt.com!