How do your first grade students' math skills measure up? Try out this interactive measurement activity from iKnowIt.com to practice measurement with non-standard units with your class! In this online math game, students will practice the following skills:
Here are a few examples of the types of questions your students may be asked in this interactive math activity: "Fill in the blank with the correct answer. The scissors are [blank] paperclips long." "How many jellybeans long is the straw?" "Fill in the blank with the correct answer. The bird's nest is [blank] blocks long." Questions in this first grade measurement game are presented in fill-in-the-blank format and multiple-choice format.
Students will discover many helpful tools built right into their math practice sessions on "I Know It." Here are some of the math lesson features that will help your students make the most out of their measurement practice with non-standard units:
Each of these online math lesson features was carefully developed to help your first grade students achieve math practice success.
Equip your students with a math practice program that will captivate their interest and help them take their math skills to new heights! Children love practicing their math skills on iKnowIt.com. Here are some of the highlights of our online math program for little ones:
Students aren't the only ones who love the I Know It digital math practice program—teachers do too! Whether you are an elementary math teacher, homeschool educator, or school administrator, we're sure you will find lots to love about digital math practice:
We hope you and your first-grade students will have fun practicing measurement with non-standard units in this interactive, educational math activity. Be sure to explore the hundreds of fun first grade math lessons in our online collection too!
Wondering how you can try out this first grade measurement activity with your class for free? Sign up for our free trial offer and play this math game, along with all of the math practice activities on our website, for free for a full thirty days! We're confident you and your students will love experiencing all our digital math program has to offer. In fact, when your free trial runs out, we hope you won't hesitate to join our community as a member. This way, you can continue to experience the advantage of interactive math practice for a full calendar year! We have I Know It membership options for families, teachers, schools, and school districts. Check out our membership information page for details: https://www.iknowit.com/order.html.
One of the highlights of your I Know It membership is our program's awesome administrator features. Your administrator account will help you maximize your students' math practice experience by:
Your students will log into iKnowIt.com with their own unique login credentials. They will be shown a kid-friendly version of the homepage where they can find the math practice activities you have assigned to them. If you choose to give them the option through your administrator settings, your students can also explore other math lessons at their grade level and beyond for additional practice or an extra challenge. Grade levels in the student mode of I Know It are labeled with letters (i.e., "Level A" for first grade), giving you the flexibility to assign math lessons based on each child's needs and skill level.
This interactive math lesson is classified as Level A. It may be ideal for first grade students.
1.MD.1, MA.K.M.1.3, 1.7B
Measurement And Data
Measure Lengths Indirectly And By Iterating Length Units.
Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.
Measurement (Heavier/Lighter) (Level A)
In this first grade-level math lesson, students will practice measurement concepts by determining which object is heavier or lighter. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format and drag-and-drop format.
Measurement (Holds More/Less) (Level A)
Students will practice measurement concepts by determining which object holds more/less in this interactive math activity geared toward first-grade. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format and drag-and-drop format.