In this first-grade level math lesson, your students will become familiar with reading bar graphs. Colorful, easy-to-read bar graphs will be the basis for each math question in this interactive math activity. Students will be presented with a variety of data in bar graphs. They will be expected to read each bar graph and answer either a multiple-choice question or fill-in-the-blank question. Upon completion of this math lesson, your students will have gained practical knowledge in reading bar graphs.
Your class will enjoy the wide variety of math questions they get to answer in this activity. For example, your students may be shown a bar graph featuring flowers in a garden. They may be asked, "How many flowers are in the garden total?" Or your students may be given a bar graph featuring animals on a farm. They may be asked, "How many pigs are on the farm?" Every question includes an optional hint that students can click if they get stuck. The hint displays a more detailed bar graph to help them figure out the answer. When students answer incorrectly, a detailed explanation page shows them where they went wrong. Your students will be actively engaged and learning from their mistakes as the progress through the lesson.
All math lessons on "I Know It," including this first-grade math activity, contain several features that help students make the most out of their math practice session. A progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen shows students how many questions they have answered out of the total number of questions in the lesson. A score-tracker beneath that shows them how many points they have earned so far in their practice session. A speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the practice screen indicates the read-aloud feature; students can click this button to have the question read out loud to them in a clear voice. This is a great option for ESL/ELL students and students who are auditory learners.
The I Know It online math practice program is enjoyed by teachers, parents, and students alike. Educators who use our program alongside their traditional elementary math curriculum appreciate the variety of math topics we cover across our expanding collection of math lessons. We have hundreds of math activities ranging from kindergarten through fifth grade, covering topics from telling time to graphs and data. All math activities on I Know It are categorized by topic and labeled with the Common Core Standard they fulfill. Find exactly what you need, when you need it!
Students, too, enjoy using our math program because we have created a child-friendly user experience that engages, entertains, and challenges young leaners. Kids love the silly animated characters they meet in their math lessons. They are motivated to keep practicing by positive feedback that appears for each correctly answered question. Plus, they enjoy the opportunity to earn awards for their "trophy case" with each new math skill learned.
We hope you and your first-grade class will give this bar graphs lesson a try! Be sure to check out the hundreds of other math lessons we have available on our website as well.
When you sign up for a free sixty-day trial of "I Know It," you will have unlimited access to all the wonderful math content on our website, including this first-grade math activity, for a full two months. We are confident you will love the difference interactive math practice makes in your classroom! When your free trial runs out, we encourage you to go ahead and sign up for an I Know It membership so you and your students can continue to enjoy the benefits of interactive math practice for a full calendar year.
Your I Know It membership will unlock handy administrative features that will help you monitor your students' progress through our program. The administrative tools allow you to create a class roster, assign unique user names and passwords to all of your students, give specific lesson assignments to individual students, change general lesson settings, track your students' progress with detailed reports, and print, download, save, and email student progress reports for yourself and parents.
Students will log into the website with their unique username and password. They will be shown a kid-friendly version of the homepage from which they can access the lessons you have assigned to them. Students also have the option to explore other lessons at their grade level, as well as lessons at different grade levels for extra review or an added challenge.
Grade levels on I Know It are labeled with letters instead of numbers, making it easy for you to assign math lessons based on an individual child’s skill level.
This online math lesson is classified as Level A. It may be ideal for a first-grade class.
1.MD.4, MA.1.DP.1.2, MA.1.NSO.1.1, MA.1.NSO.1.4, 1.8C
Measurement And Data
Represent And Interpret Data.
Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
Reading Bar Graphs (Advanced) (Level A)
In this first grade-level math lesson, students will practice reading more advanced bar graphs. Data sets are presented for up to four categories in these bar graphs.
Measurement (Longer/Taller and Shorter) (Level A)
In this math lesson geared toward first-grade, students will determine which object is the shortest and which is the longest/tallest. Questions are presented in drag-and-drop format and multiple-choice format.