Students will practice estimating lengths in inches in this interactive math practice activity geared toward second grade. Math questions are presented in multiple-choice format so students must decide the best estimate for the object(s) in question. After completing this online math game, your students will be more confident in their ability to estimate lengths in inches.
Children will be asked a variety of engaging measurement questions in this online math practice activity. For example, they may be shown two objects such as a lemon and a carrot with an accompanying question: "Which object is about 9 inches long?" Or they may be required to compare the lengths of two objects side-by-side: "The paperclip is 2 inches long. What is the best estimate for the length of the pencil?" Or children may have to compare an object against a ruler: "Is the paperclip closer to 2 inches or 3 inches?" As students work through the math activity, they will have the opportunity to use the "Hint" button if they get stuck on a question. The hint will display a detailed picture to help children visualize the measurement concept being tested. When students answer a question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page will show them the correct answer and provide an easy-to-understand explanation. Students will learn from past mistakes as they progress through the lesson.
This interactive math activity is equipped with several handy features that help students make the most of their math practice sessions. A speaker icon indicates the read-aloud feature; when this button is clicked, the question will be read out loud in a clear voice. This is a great option for ESL/ELL students as well as students who are auditory processors. A progress-tracker shows students how many questions they have answered so far in the math lesson out of the total number of questions. A score-tracker lets students know how many points they have achieved so far in the lesson. These tools are designed to help children feel confident in achieving their math goals during practice time.
Teachers and students alike enjoy using the “I Know It” online math program alongside their comprehensive math curriculum for additional practice and skill-building. Educators appreciate the wide variety of math lessons in our collection. You can choose from hundreds of math activities for popular topics in kindergarten through fifth grade. All math lessons on I Know It are aligned to the Common Core Standard and are arranged on the website by grade level and topic. It’s easy to find exactly what you need right when you need it.
Students enjoy practicing math skills on I Know It because each lesson presents as a fun, yet challenging, math game. Students have the opportunity to earn math awards for their "trophy case" each time they master a new math skill. Silly animated characters do a clever trick or a funny dance when students answer a math question correctly, providing them with a little extra motivation to keep going through the lesson. Bright colors and a bold, kid-friendly design add to the allure of math practice on "I Know It."
We hope you and your second-grade class will try out this math lesson and practice estimating lengths in inches today! Be sure to check out the hundreds of other math lessons we have available on our website as well.
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Your I Know It membership will unlock the website's handy administrative features to help you monitor your students' progress in their math practice. Create a class roster and add your students to it, assign unique usernames and passwords to all your students, change basic lesson settings, print, download, and email student progress reports, and much more!
Your students will log into the website using their unique username and password combination; they will be taken to a kid-friendly version of the homepage from which they can access all their math practice assignments. If you choose to allow this option in your teacher settings, your students can explore other math lessons at their grade level or even check out math practice activities at other grade levels for additional review or an added challenge. Grade levels in I Know It are labeled with letters instead of numbers (i.e. "Level B" for second grade), making it easy for you to assign math lessons based on each child's individual skill level.
This online math lesson is classified as Level B. It may be ideal for a second-grade class.
2.MD.3, MA.2.M.1.1, 2.9D
Measurement And Data
Measure And Estimate Lengths In Standard Units.
Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
Estimating Lengths (Centimeters) (Level B)
In this second grade-level math lesson, students will practice estimating lengths in centimeters. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format.
Linear Measurement (Nearest Inch) (Level B)
In this math lesson geared toward second-grade, students will practice linear measurement to the nearest inch. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format and multiple-choice format.