Students will practice reading bar graphs in this online math activity geared toward second grade. Questions in this math lesson are presented in fill-in-the-blank format and multiple-choice format. Each question presents a custom bar graph that is easy to read, along with an accompanying question. Children will gain confidence and proficiency in reading bar graphs as they work through this interactive math activity.
Here are a few types of bar graph scenarios students might encounter in their math practice: "The students in Mr. Belseth's class voted on their favorite snacks. The graph below shows how many students voted for each snack. How many students chose fruits and vegetables in all?" Or "The children in Nature Club voted on their favorite seasons. The graph below shows how many children voted for each season. How many children chose winter?" Students can click on the "Hint" button if they need a little extra help interpreting the bar graph. When they answer the question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page will appear with the correct answer and a step-by-step guide for how to obtain it. This way, students move through the lesson having learned from past mistakes.
Several key features in this second-grade bar graph lesson help students make the most of their math practice time. A progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen shows students how many questions they have answered out of the total number of questions in the lesson. A score-tracker lets students know how many questions they have answered correctly. In the upper-left corner of the practice screen, a speaker icon indicates the read-aloud feature. Kids can click the button and the question will be read out loud to them in a clear voice. This is a great option for ESL/ELL students and students who prefer auditory learning. All features built into I Know It math lessons are designed with students' success in mind!
Elementary teachers and homeschool parents alike love using the I Know It math practice program to supplement their comprehensive math curriculum. Teachers appreciate the extensive variety of math topics we cover across hundreds of math practice activities. All math lessons on our website are aligned to the Common Core Standard and are categorized by grade level and topic. Our goal is to make it easy to find just the right math practice activities for your students in just a few clicks!
Students, too, enjoy practicing their math skills using the I Know It program. Each math activity presents as a fun, yet challenging, math game. Whimsical animated characters cheer students on in their math practice, while positive messages appear each time students answer a math question, encouraging them to "Keep going!" even when they make mistakes. Students can earn math awards for their virtual trophy case for each new math skill they master. Truly, math practice is a fun experience with the I Know It math program!
We hope you will give this second-grade bar graph lesson a try today! Be sure to explore more second grade math lessons in our online collection too.
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Your I Know It membership unlocks the handy administrative features that make it so easy for you to monitor your students' progress in their math practice. You can create a class roster, assign unique usernames and passwords to all your students, give specific lesson assignments to different students, change basic lesson settings, print, save, and email student progress reports, and much more.
Your students will log into a kid-friendly version of the I Know It homepage using their unique login credentials. From here, they will be able to access the math practice activities you have assigned to them. If you choose to allow in your administrator settings, your students can explore other math activities at their grade level and beyond, for additional practice. Grade levels in the student mode of I Know It are labeled with letters instead of numbers (i.e. "Level B" for second grade, and so on), making it easier for you to assign math lessons based on each child's needs and skill level.
This interactive math lesson is classified as Level B. It may be ideal for second grade students.
2.MD.10, MA.2.DP.1.2, 2.10D
Measurement And Data
Represent And Interpret Data.
Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories. Solve simple put- together, take-apart, and compare problems4 using information presented in a bar graph.
Word Problems: Choose the Operation (Addition and Subtraction) (Level B)
In this second grade-level math lesson, students will practice solving addition and subtraction word problems. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format.
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (to 20) (Level B)
Students will practice solving addition and subtraction word problems to twenty. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format.