Get ready for some serious symmetry practice with this fun, interactive math lesson from iKnowIt.com! Your second grade students will put their basic geometry skills to the test as they decide whether the dotted line shown is a line of symmetry. Questions in this digital symmetry game are presented in multiple-choice format and drag-and-drop format. Here are a few of the types of questions students may be expected to answer in the math activity:
As children work through their online math lesson, they will have access to handy features that will help them make the most out of their math practice session:
These tools are designed to help your students achieve greater understanding in each math practice session and grow in confidence and proficiency.
Whether you are an elementary math teacher, homeschool educator, or school administrator, we're confident you will love experiencing the difference I Know It math practice can make with your students. When you use I Know It math activities alongside a comprehensive elementary math curriculum, you help students grow their math skills in a fun and engaging format both you and they will love. Here are a few highlights of the I Know It digital math program from an educator's standpoint:
Adults aren't the only ones who think I Know It math games are great—kids do too! Here are a few stand-out features of our program from a child's point-of-view:
We hope you and your second grade class will have fun trying out this geometry activity featuring symmetry! Be sure to check out the hundreds of other grade 2 math practice lessons we have available on our website as well.
Looking for a way to try out the I Know It program and this online geometry lesson with your class for free? Sign up for our free thirty-day trial offer and try out any of the math lessons on iKnowIt.com at no cost. We just know you and your students will love experiencing the difference interactive math practice can make. In fact, when your free trial runs out, we hope you won't hesitate to join our community as a member. We have membership options that are ideal for parents, teachers, schools, and school districts. Visit our membership information page to learn which I Know It membership is right for you: https://www.iknowit.com/order.html.
Members of the I Know It math practice community enjoy unlimited access to the website's awesome administrative features. These tools help you customize your class's math practice experience: create a class roster and add your students to it, change basic math lesson settings, create a class code and unique login credentials for your students, assign specific math lessons to individual students, monitor student progress with detailed progress reports, and much more. Your parent or teacher administrator account makes it easy and efficient to oversee your students' math progress.
Students will log into iKnowIt.com with their unique username and password. From the homepage, they can quickly find and launch math lessons you have assigned to them. If you choose to give them the option through your administrator account, students can also explore other math lessons at their grade level and beyond for additional practice or an extra challenge. Grade levels are designated by letter instead of number (i.e., "Level B" for second grade), making it easy to assign math lessons based on each child's needs and skill level.
This online math lesson is classified as Level B. It may be ideal for a second grade class.
4.G.3, MA.2.GR.1.3, 4.6B
Draw And Identify Lines And Angles, And Classify Shapes By Properties Of Their Lines And Angles.
Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry.
Slides, Flips and Turns (Level B)
In this second grade-level math lesson, students will practice identifying slides, flips, and turns. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format.
Shape Patterns (Level B)
In this math lesson geared toward second grade, students will complete the pattern with flat shapes. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format.