Practice basic division with this interactive math practice activity. This third grade-level math lesson will give students the opportunity to strengthen their division skills with a variety of math question formats, including fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice questions. Students will be asked questions such as: "Find the quotient: 7 / 1 =" and "0 / 5 =".
If students need a little extra help in their basic division practice, they can click the 'Hint' button. They will be be given a relevant written clue that pertains to the division fact in question. For example, "The Zero Property of Division states that the quotient of zero divided by any number is zero," or "The Identity Property of Division states that the quotient of any number divided by 1 is that number." If students answer a problem incorrectly, they will be shown a detailed explanation page complete with the rule that applies to the specific division fact presented and the complete division fact written out with the quotient. The hint and explanation features help students gain a greater understanding of each problem, allowing them to learn from their mistakes and improve throughout the lesson.
We designed I Know It as a math practice website to help elementary-aged students gain confidence and proficiency in their math skills, including basic division with 0s and 1s. Our website is easy to navigate, featuring kid-approved animated characters, bright colors, large icons, and a playful design. Students enjoy using our math program and receiving awards and positive feedback from the cute characters, while teachers appreciate the variety and quality of the math content available for kindergarten through fifth grade.
All math lessons on I Know It include the following features to help students make the most of their math practice time: a progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the screen shows students how many questions they have answered so far; a score-tracker beneath the progress-tracker helps them keep track of how many questions they have answered correctly; and a speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the screen indicates the read-aloud feature.
We hope you will try out this division with 0s and 1s math lesson with your students today! Be sure to explore our extensive collection of other math topics on iKnowIt.com!
When you sign up for a free sixty-day trial on 'I Know It,' you and your students will be able to use any of the math lessons on I Know It for free, including this basic division lesson. While students can try out any math activity on our website for free, please know that they will be capped at a total of twenty-five math questions per day across all I Know It lessons. For complete, unlimited access to all math lessons and administrative features on iKnowIt.com, you will need to become a paying member.
Your I Know It membership will allow you to take advantage of all the administrative features on our website: you can create a class roster and add your students to it; assign individual user names and passwords to all your students; assign specific lessons to individual students; track student progress; print, email, and download student progress reports; and change lesson preferences (such as turning off character animations and limiting available hints).
Your students will log into I Know It with their unique user name and password. Their homepage will look a little different from yours; namely, the student interface has a 'My Assignments' section at the top of the page where your students can find the math lessons you've assigned to them. Further down the page, students will have the option to explore other lessons at their own grade level or, if you choose this option in your teacher settings, lessons at other grade levels. (Grade levels in I Know It are labeled as 'Level A,' 'Level B,' 'Level C,' and so on, giving you the flexibility to assign math practice activities based on skill level.)
This interactive math activity is categorized as a Level C lesson. It may be ideal for third grade students.
3.OA.2, 3.OA.3, 3.OA.7, MA.3.NSO.2.4, 3.4H
Operations And Algebraic Thinking
Represent And Solve Problems Involving Multiplication And Division.
Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 / 8 as the number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a number of shares or a number of groups can be expressed as 56 / 8.
Dividing by 2s (Level C)
In this third grade-level math lesson, students will practice dividing by twos. Math problems are presented in a variety of formats, including fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice.
Dividing by 3s (Level C)
Students will practice dividing whole numbers by threes in this math practice activity written at a third grade level. Math problems are presented in various formats, such as multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank.