Are you ready to practice place value? Try out this interactive math lesson from I Know It! This online math game features place value practice up to the thousands. Students may be given a number in written form and asked to choose the correct number the words represent. Students may be given a set of place value blocks and asked to identify the number the place value blocks represent. They may also be given a number and asked to break down which number is in the thousands place, hundreds place, tens place, and ones place.
We created I Know It as a math practice website for elementary school mathematics. Our online math program features kid-friendly graphics, bright colors, easy-to-navigate features, and exciting animated characters. Teachers will love the quality educational content in each math lesson, and students will love the "math game" feel to each topical math lesson.
I Know It interactive math lessons have a variety of features that help students succeed in online learning. The progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the screen lets students know how many questions they have left in the lesson and the score-tracker lets kids know how many questions they've answered correctly so far. A 'hint' button is also available. If the student clicks the 'hint', he or she will be shown a written or pictorial clue to help them get started. Whenever the child gets the wrong answer, a detailed explanation box will pop up, complete with step-by-step graphics on how the problem should be solved. There is always opportunity to learn from mistakes on I Know It!
I Know It math lessons include a read-aloud feature, which is ideal for students who excel at auditory learning, or ESL/ELL students. Students simply click the speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the screen, and the question will be read to them in a clear voice.
We hope our online math lessons will help your students gain confidence in their math skills, including place value up to the thousands. Give this lesson a try, and browse through our extensive collection of other math topics!!
Take advantage of our free 30-day trial on I Know It! Your students will be able to try out this place value math lesson up to the thousands. Students are able to play this math game for free, but they will be limited to a total of 25 questions per day across all lessons on 'I Know It.' For full access to all the lessons, questions, and features on our math practice site, you will need to become a member.
As a teacher with an I Know It membership you can: create a student roster, make up individual student logins, assign math lessons to individual students, take a look at student lesson scores, and change lesson settings (such as limiting the ability to use hints on the lessons and turning off the animated character).
Students will log in to a kid-friendly display screen, complete with large, colorful icons, and an easy-to-navigate format. The homepage displays 'My Assignments' – it prompts children to check the assignments their teacher has given them, and also explore lessons at their assigned grade level (these will appear as 'Level A' or 'Level B' instead of Grade 1 or Grade 2), as well as explore lessons at different grade levels.
This online math lesson is categorized as a Level C lesson. It may be ideal for second or third grade students.
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Number And Operations In Base Ten
Understand Place Value.
Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
Comparing Numbers to 999 (Level B)
In this second grade-level math lesson, students will determine which number is greater than, less than, or equal to, using numbers up to 999. They will answer math questions, like 'Drag and drop the symbol that makes the number sentence true' and 'Which number sentence is true?'
Place Value (Up to Hundred Thousands) (Level C)
Students will practice place value up to hundred thousands in this online math lesson. For example, students will answer questions like: 'Fill in the missing number to complete the number sentence' and 'What is the total value of the disks?'