Give your students extra practice with addition and subtraction word problems! This third grade-level math lesson will help children become more confident and proficient at solving word problems. By the time students are finished working through this lesson, they will be skilled at solving a variety of addition word problems and subtraction word problems.
Students will determine whether they need to add or subtract the numbers presented in their word problems. Here is an example of questions children may be asked in this third grade math activity: "There were 55 people on the subway heading uptown. At the 42nd street stop, 13 more people got on. How many people are on the subway now?" Another example, "61 people signed up for the pottery class at the City Recreation Center. 59 people showed up to class. How many people missed the class?" A third example, "There were 88 cars on the lot at the North Avenue Car Dealership. Last month, 55 of them were sold. How many cars are left?" Word problems include addition questions and subtraction questions.
If students need a little extra help, they can click on the "Hint" button to be shown a relevant written or pictorial clue. For example, in the last example above, the hint would say: "Subtract to find out how many cars are left." When students answer a question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page shows them exactly where they went wrong, so they can learn from their mistakes as they move through the lesson.
Educators, parents, and students alike enjoy using the I Know It math program alongside their elementary math curriculum for extra math practice. Teachers and parents appreciate the scope and variety of our expanding collection of math lessons. Students enjoy practicing math in an engaging, interactive format. Whimsical animated characters, positive feedback, and fun math awards give students the right dose of fun added into their math practice. It's a great program for everyone!
Here are some additional lesson features that help students make the most of their math practice time. A progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen allows students to see how many questions they have answered so far in the lessons, and a score-tracker beneath that shows them how many questions they have answered correctly. A speaker icon indicates the read-aloud feature; students can click it to have the question read to them in a clear voice. (What a great option for ESL/ELL students or for students who prefer auditory learning.)
We hope you will try out this interactive math lesson featuring addition and subtraction word problems with your class! Be sure to explore the hundreds of other math topics we have available on iKnowIt.com!
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This online math lesson is classified as Level C. It may be appropriate for a third grade class.
3.OA.8, MA.2.AR.1.1, MA.3.AR.1.2, 3.6D
Operations And Algebraic Thinking
Solve Problems Involving The Four Operations, And Identify And Explain Patterns In Arithmetic.
Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.3
Multiplying 2-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers (Level C)
In this third grade-level math lesson, students will practice multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit numbers. Questions are presented in vertical multiplication, horizontal multiplication, and multiplication word problem formats.
Associative Property (Multiplication) (Level C)
In this math lesson geared toward third grade, students will practice the associative property of multiplication by filling in the missing factor.