Try out this interactive math lesson featuring addition with 3-digit and 4-digit numbers! In this fourth grade-level math game, students will answer vertical addition problems, horizontal addition problems, and addition word problems with 4-digit and 3-digit addends. Some problems contain one 4-digit addend and one 3-digit addend. Others contain two 4-digit addends. And others contain two 3-digit addends.
Students will master adding 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by practicing a variety of addition problems in this math lesson. For example they may be asked to solve a word problem like this: "At Lexington Academy, 443 students walk to school and 2,433 students ride the bus. How many students are there altogether?" Or they may be given a horizontal addition problem like this: "6,900 + 9,862 =" The hints and explanation graphics break down the addition problems with step-by-step instructions: add the ones; add the tens; add the hundreds; and add the thousands.
I Know It is an interactive math practice website designed for elementary-aged students to give them extra practice in essential math skills, like adding 4-digit and 3-digit numbers. Teachers and students alike enjoy the kid-friendly design, bright and colorful graphics, and fun animations that complement high quality math content that is engaging, challenging, and fun.
In this addition lesson with 3-digit numbers and 4-digit numbers, as with all lessons on I Know It, several features help students make the most out of practice time. A progress-tracker shows students how many questions they've answered so far, and a score-tracker shows them how many questions they've answered correctly. A hint button helps them figure out how to solve the problem without giving the answer away. When they answer a question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page pops up to show them, step-by-step, how to solve the problem correctly, so they can learn from their mistakes and improve their basic addition skills.
This adding with four-digit numbers and three-digit numbers math lesson shows a speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the screen. Click on it, and your students will have the question read aloud to them in a clear voice. This read-aloud feature is available on all I Know It math lessons. It's ideal for ESL/ELL students and students who learn best as auditory learners.
Go ahead and try out this addition lesson with 3-digit and four-digit addends with your class! We have lots of other interactive math games to choose from, so don't forget to browse our other math topics!
Take advantage of our free sixty-day trial offer on I Know It and try out this basic addition lesson and others at no cost! Your students may practice for free, but they will be capped at twenty-five questions per day across all math lessons in the free trial mode. For unlimited access to I Know It and all its features, you will need to be a paying member of the website.
Members of I Know It will be able to utilize the website's administrative features, including: creating a class roster and adding students to it; assign individual student user names and passwords; assign specific lessons to individual students; check on student progress and lesson scores; print, send, and download student progress reports; and change lesson settings (such as limiting lesson hints and turning off the animations).
Students will log in to an easy-to-navigate homepage with bright colors and large icons. Under the 'My Assignments' heading, they will find the lessons you have assigned them. They also have the option to explore other lessons at their grade level, or other lessons at different grade levels. In the student interface, grade levels appear as 'Level A' instead of 'Grade 1'. So this addition with 3-digit and 4-digit numbers lesson would appear as 'Level D' instead of 'Grade 4'.
As mentioned above, this engaging math game is categorized as a Level D lesson. It may be ideal for third or fourth grade students.
4.NBT.4, MA.3.NSO.2.1, MA.3.AR.1.2, 4.4A
Number And Operations In Base Ten
Use Place Value Understanding And Properties Of Operations To Perform Multi-Digit Arithmetic.
Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
Adding 3-Digit Numbers (Level C)
In this third grade-level math lesson, students will practice adding 3-digit numbers. Problems are presented as vertical addition, horizontal addition, and addition word problems.
Adding 4-Digit Numbers (Level C)
Students will practice adding 4-digit numbers in this third grade-level math lesson. They will be expected to answer word problems, horizontal addition problems, and vertical addition problems.