Add and subtract fractions with like denominators in this online math lesson for kids. In this interactive math game, students will become comfortable finding the sum and the difference of math problems that contain fractions with like denominators. After completing this math lesson, students should demonstrate proficiency in the following math skills:
* Use fraction strips to solve an addition or subtraction math problem containing fractions.
* Add or subtract the numerators when the denominators are the same. Simplify fractions when possible.
* Solve word problems that contain fractions.
* Fill in the missing fraction to complete the equation.
Students enjoy using the iKnowit.com interactive math lessons because their math practice time feels like a fun game. Whenever a student answers a question correctly, an animated character on the screen will do a funny trick or dance around cheerfully. Phrases of positive reinforcement appear on the screen for a correct answer as well.
An incorrect answer will bring up a detailed explanation page with an easy-to-read graphic depicting how to obtain the correct answer to the question. This feature helps students learn from their mistakes as they progress through the lesson.
If a student becomes "stuck" and needs a little push in the right direction, he or she can click the "Hint" icon on the lower left hand corner of the screen. A box will pop up containing a clue that will help the student solve the problem correctly. The teacher or parent can turn the hint feature on or off at will.
Members who sign up for an iKnowit.com account will be able to access the helpful administrative tools we offer on the site. Teachers or parents can set up a class roster or family roster, add students, assign lessons, and track their students' progress. grades. Teachers will assign a class code and give each student an individual username and password. When students log in, they see a kid-friendly version of the site with an "Assignments from the Teacher" tab on the top of the page, as well as recommended math topics to try out.
e encourage you to browse through the hundreds of math lessons available on our website. We've got topics covering a variety of concepts like basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, place value, time and money, fractions, measurement, and much more. To see more fourth grade math games, please go to our Grade 4 Math Page.
This lesson is designated as Level D and is typically appropriate for fourth grade students.
4.NF.3, MA.4.FR.2.2, 4.3E
Number And Operations - Fractions
Build Fractions From Unit Fractions By Applying And Extending Previous Understandings Of Operations On Whole Numbers.
Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b. a.
Time to the Nearest Minute (Level D)
Tell what time it is to the nearest minute on the analog clock.
Simplifying Fractions (Level D)
Practice reducing fractions into simplest form.