Your fifth grade students will practice addition and subtraction with decimals in this interactive, online math game from iKnowIt.com! Here are some of the skills your students will work on in this math lesson:
Questions in this fifth grade decimals activity are presented in fill-in-the-blank format.
As your students work through this online addition and subtraction game, they can use the following built-in math lesson features to help them make the most of their math practice session:
Each of these math lesson tools was carefully designed to give your students every opportunity to excel in their math practice sessions.
Are you looking for an engaging, interactive format for your fifth-grade students to practice adding and subtracting with decimals, plus many other elementary math skills? Look no further than iKnowIt.com! Teachers love using the I Know It interactive math program alongside a comprehensive math curriculum to reinforce foundational math skills. From kindergarten to fifth grade, our math lessons cover dozens of essential math topics for elementary students. Here are just a few reasons why teachers love iKnowIt.com:
Students, too, love using the I Know It online math program to practice their math skills. Here are some of the highlights of digital math practice for kids:
We hope you and your fifth-grade class will enjoy adding and subtracting with decimals in this interactive math lesson. Be sure to check out the hundreds of other fifth grade math lessons we have available on our website as well.
If you're interested in trying out this fifth grade decimals activity with your class, then you will definitely want to take advantage of our free thirty-day trial offer! Sign up for a free trial and try out any of the math activities in our program with your class for a full thirty days. We are confident you and your little ones will love experiencing the difference interactive math practice can make. In fact, when your free trial ends, we hope you won't hesitate to join the I Know It community as a member. This way, your class will continue to enjoy the many benefits of online math practice for a full calendar year. Wondering what membership options we have available? Check out our membership information page, where you will find details on membership for families, teachers, schools, and school districts: https://www.iknowit.com/order.html.
Your I Know It membership gives you unlimited access to our program's amazing administrative features. These parent/teacher tools will help you create a class roster for your students, assign unique usernames and passwords to all of your students, give specific math lesson assignments to different students, change basic math lesson settings, print, download, and email student progress reports, and much more.
Students will log into I Know It using their unique login credentials. From the homepage, they will quickly and easily find the math lessons you have assigned to them for practice. If you give your students the option through your administrator account, they can also explore other math activities at their grade level and beyond. Grade levels are designated by letter rather than by number (i.e., "Level E" for fifth grade), making it easy for you to assign math lessons based on each child's needs and skill level.
This interactive math lesson is classified as Level E. It may be ideal for a fifth-grade class.
5.NBT.7, MA.5.NSO.2.3, 5.3K
Number And Operations In Base Ten
Perform Operations With Multi-Digit Whole Numbers And With Decimals To Hundredths.
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
Addition with Decimals (Level E)
In this fifth grade-level math lesson, students will practice addition with decimals. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format.
Subtraction with Decimals (Level E)
In this math lesson geared toward fifth grade, students will practice subtraction with decimals. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format.