Are your fifth grade students ready to put their advanced place value skills to the test? Try out this interactive place value game with your class to practice comparing numbers to 9,999,999. As your fifth grade students work through this interactive math lesson from iKnowIt.com, they will focus on the following math skills:
Questions in this fifth grade place value lesson are presented in multiple-choice format and drag-and-drop format.
Your fifth grade students will have access to several handy features built into their online math lesson to help them maximize their math practice session:
Each of these tools is designed to help your students achieve more in their math practice sessions.
We're not sure who enjoys the I Know It math practice program more—teachers or students! Educators appreciate the wide variety of math topics we cover across dozens of interactive math games from kindergarten through fifth grade. Each of our math lessons meets at least one Common Core Standard and has been written by accredited elementary math teachers. Math lessons are categorized on the website by grade level and topic, making it easy for you to find and assign math practice activities in just a few clicks.
Here are some of the stand-out features children love most about our engaging math practice program:
We hope you and your fifth-grade class will enjoy comparing numbers to 9,999,999 in this interactive math lesson. Be sure to check out the hundreds of other 5th grade math lessons we have available on our website as well.
Interested in trying out this fifth grade place value activity with your class? Sign up for our free thirty-day trial offer and play this digital math game, as well as any math activity on iKnowIt.com, for free today. We're confident you and your class will love experiencing the difference I Know It can make. In fact, when your free trial ends, we hope you'll be excited to join the I Know It community as a member, so you and your class can continue to enjoy the benefits of interactive math practice for a full calendar year. We have membership options that are ideal for families, teachers, schools, and school districts. Discover which I Know It membership is right for you by visiting our membership information page: https://www.iknowit.com/order.html.
One of the best things about your I Know It membership is your parent or teacher administrator account, which will help you maximize your students' math practice experience. The administrator tools will help you create a class roster, change basic math lesson settings, monitor student progress with detailed reports, print, download, and save student progress reports, assign specific math lessons to different students, assign unique usernames and passwords to all of your students, and more.
Your students will log into a kid-friendly version of the I Know It website with their unique login credentials. From the homepage, they can quickly and easily find the math activities you have assigned to them for practice. In addition, children can try out other math lessons at their grade level and beyond for extra practice or additional review. (You can control student access to non-assigned math lessons through your administrator account.) Grade levels are labeled with letters (i.e., "Level E" for fifth grade), making it easy for you to assign math activities based on each child's needs and skill level.
This interactive math lesson is classified as Level E. It may be ideal for a fifth-grade class.
4.NBT.2, MA.4.NSO.1.3, 4.2C
Number And Operations In Base Ten
Generalize Place Value Understanding For Multi-Digit Whole Numbers.
Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
Place Value (Hundred Millions) (Level E)
In this fifth grade-level math lesson, students will practice place value up to the hundred millions. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format, drag-and-drop format, and multiple-choice format.
Comparing Decimals to Thousandths (Level E)
In this math lesson geared toward fifth grade, students will practice comparing decimals to thousandths. Questions are presented in drag-and-drop format and multiple-choice format.