Convert fractions into decimals in this engaging math lesson for children. This interactive math game will help students become comfortable representing fractional amounts with decimal numbers. In this fifth grade math game, students will practice the following skills:
* Write a decimal number that represents the fractional amount shaded in the picture.
* Choose which fraction is equivalent to the decimal number given.
Kids love using to practice their math skills because it feels like they are playing an exciting game - not doing math homework! Math lessons on are presented in an engaging, kid-friendly format, and this makes learning easy and entertaining.
When students answer a math problem correctly, an adorable animated character does a dance or performs a clever trick. An incorrect response will generate a detailed explanation, in which the student is shown an easy-to-understand graphic that allows them to see the steps they should take to solve the problem correctly the next time.
Sometimes a student may need a little help getting started on a math problem. That's what the "Hint" icon at the lower left-hand corner of the screen is for. Students can click on it and read the clue that will help them do the first step in the math question or help them think about the question in a different way. The teacher or parent maintains control over the hint function and is able to turn it on and off at will.
Members who have an account will be able to use all of the administrative tools on They can set up a class roster and add students to it. Teachers can assign specific lessons to individual students.
Every time your students work on their math lessons, you will be able to track their progress and determine which problems they are finding difficult. The student login page is very kid-friendly. They will notice the "Assignments from the Teacher" tab at the top of the page as well as a variety of suggested math topics to try out. Since students will not be able to see the grade levels of their assigned lessons, teachers can assign lower or higher grade levels to meet the needs of each student.
Teachers and parents will appreciate that they can modify which animations, if any, their students see. Teachers can decide to give their students the option to use the read-aloud audio option. Additionally, the teacher chooses how many hints a student can get in each math lesson.
There are hundreds of math lessons on! We encourage you to explore them all! You'll find a variety of math topics, like rounding, multiplication, division, basic algebra, fractions, geometry, and more. To see more math games for fifth grade, please visit our Fifth Grade Math page.
5.NBT.1, 5.NBT.3, MA.4.FR.1.2, 5.2A
Number And Operations In Base Ten
Understand The Place Value System.
Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.
Place Value (Hundred Millions) (Level E)
Determine the place value of the underlined digit. Tell which digit is in the ones place, tens place, hundreds place, etc.
Basic Equations (Four Operations) (Level E)
Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to choose the correct value.