Help your students become familiar with quadrilaterals in this interactive geometry activity geared toward fifth grade. Children will practice identifying the properties of quadrilaterals, including parallelograms, rectangles, triangles, rhombuses, and more, by their sides and angles in this online math game. Upon completion of this math practice activity, your students will have gained confidence in their ability to identify quadrilaterals by their attributes.
Students will be challenged by a variety of question types in this online geometry lesson. One question may ask, "Which two quadrilaterals always have four right angles?" Students must choose the rectangle and the square. Students may be asked to "Drag the quadrilaterals with two pairs of parallel sides into the box." They must sort the quadrilaterals accordingly. Or students may be given a statement which they must identify as true or false, like this one: "A parallelogram always has four right angles."
Our interactive lessons are designed to help children expand their math skills with built-in learning tools. The "Hint" feature is available for students when they need a little extra help answering a math question. Students can click the hint button to view a detailed illustration which will help them visualize the geometry concept in question. When students answer a question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page appears to show them the correct answer with an easy-to-follow explanation. Students move through each practice session having learned from past mistakes.
Other helpful features in I Know It math practice activities help students make the most of their math practice sessions. A progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen shows students how many questions they have answered out of the total number of questions in the lesson. A score-tracker lets students see how many questions they have answered correctly so far. A speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the practice screen indicates the read-aloud feature. Students can click the button and the question will be read out loud to them in a clear voice. This is a helpful resource for ESL/ELL students and students who are auditory processors.
Teachers and students alike enjoy using the I Know It math practice program to reinforce important math skills learned through their comprehensive elementary math curriculum. Educators appreciate the wide variety of elementary math topics we feature on our website for kindergarten through fifth grade. All math lessons on I Know It are aligned to the Common Core Standard and arranged on the site by grade level and topic. It's easy to find the content you want your students to focus on right when you need it!
Students, too, enjoy the experience of practicing fundamental math skills in an engaging, kid-friendly format. Children love the whimsical animated characters who cheer them on in their math practice sessions. The appealing format of our elementary math lessons, complete with bright colors and a lively design, makes math practice feel like an exciting adventure. Plus, fun features like earning math awards for your "trophy case" give students that extra motivation to keep learning!
We hope you and your students will try out this fifth-grade geometry activity and discover all there is to love about I Know It! Be sure to check out our hundreds of other math topics too!
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Your I Know It membership unlocks the program's handy administrative tools that make it easy and efficient to keep track of your students' progress in their math practice. Your administrator account will allow you to create your class roster and add your students, assign unique usernames and passwords to all of your students, give different math practice assignments to individual students, change basic lesson settings, monitor student progress with detailed reports, and print, download, and save student progress reports, plus much more!
When your students log into the website using their own login credentials, they will be shown a kid-friendly version of the homepage from which they can access all math practice assignments. In the student mode, grade levels are labeled with letters instead of numbers (i.e. "Level E" for fifth grade), making it easy for you to assign lessons based on an individual student's unique needs and skill level.
This interactive math lesson is classified as Level E. It may be ideal for a fifth-grade class.
4.G.A.2, MA.3.GR.1.1, MA.3.GR.1.2, MA.5.GR.1.1, 5.5A
Draw And Identify Lines And Angles, And Classify Shapes By Properties Of Their Lines And Angles.
Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles.
Classifying Triangles (Equilateral, Isosceles, or Scalene) (Level E)
In this fifth grade-level math lesson, students will practice classifying triangles as equilateral, isosceles, or scalene. Questions are presented in multiple-choice and drag-and-drop format.
Classifying Triangles (Right, Acute, Obtuse) (Level E)
In this math lesson geared toward fifth grade, students will practice classifying triangles as right, acute, or obtuse. Questions are presented in multiple-choice and drag-and-drop format.