Let's practice solving word problems with decimals by choosing the operation! Try out this fifth-grade math activity with your class to help your students build confidence and proficiency in solving word problems with decimals. Upon completion of this online math lesson, children will gain a better understanding of the four operations applied to word problems with decimals.
Your students will be challenged to answer a variety of multi-step word problems in this math activity. Here are a few examples. "Ryan pays $226.36 a month for his car. He pays $574.52 a month for his apartment rent. How much does Ryan pay each month for his car and apartment?" "The Rose family has 2 cats. Reuben weighs 82.63 ounces. Ophelia weighs 67.45 ounces. How much more does Reuben weigh than Ophelia?" and "A deck of cards weighs 94.45 grams. A light bulb weighs 35.71 grams. How much more does a deck of cards weigh than a light bulb?" If students get stuck on a question, they can click on the "Hint" button. The hint will consist of a prompt that will help students solve the problem without giving away the answer. When students answer a question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page will show them the right answer, accompanied by an easy-to-follow tutorial. This math activity is designed to help students learn from mistakes along the way.
Every math lesson in the I Know It program, including this fifth-grade word problem activity, is equipped with built-in features that help children make the most out of their math practice session. A progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen shows students how many questions they have answered so far out of the total number of questions in the lesson. A score-tracker beneath that lets students see how many points they have earned for correct responses. The speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the practice screen indicates the read-aloud feature. Students can click this button to have the question read out loud to them in a clear voice. This option is a great resource for ESL/ELL students and children who excel as auditory learners. All of these I Know It math lesson features are designed with your students' success in mind!
Whether you are an elementary teacher, homeschool educator, or school administrator, we're confident you will love all the I Know It math practice program has to offer your students. Teachers love the variety of foundational math topics covered in our extensive math activity collection. From kindergarten through fifth grade, you will find math activities that will help your little learners build confidence in their math skills. Each of the math practice activities on our website is written by accredited teachers to meet at least one (often several) Common Core Standard. Math activities are arranged on the website by grade level and topic, making it easy for you to find and assign math lessons in just a few clicks.
Your students, too, will love practicing math skills with the I Know It program. Cute, animated characters cheer students on in their math practice as positive messages encourage them to "Keep at it!" even when they make mistakes. Students can earn math awards to add to their virtual trophy case for each new math skill mastered, and you can celebrate your students' accomplishments together as a class!
We hope you and your students will enjoy solving word problems with decimals in this fun interactive math game and discover all there is to love about I Know It! Be sure to check out our hundreds of other fifth grade math topics too!
Interested in checking out the I Know It math program to see if it's right for you and your class? Sign up for a free thirty-day trial to explore all the math activities on our website, including this fifth-grade word problem game, at no cost for a full thirty days. We're confident you and your class will love the difference interactive math practice can make. When your free trial runs out, we hope you won't hesitate to join the I Know It community as a member. This way, your class can continue to experience the benefits of interactive math practice for a full calendar year. We have membership options for families, individual teachers, schools, and school districts. Visit our membership information page to discover which I Know It membership is right for you: https://www.iknowit.com/order.html.
Your I Know It membership unlocks the program's handy administrative features, which allow you to maximize the impact of your students' math practice experience, whether in the classroom or at home. Your administrator account will help you create a class roster, assign unique login credentials to each of your students, give specific lesson assignments to different students, change basic lesson settings, monitor student progress using detail reports, print, download, and email student progress reports, and much more.
Your students will log into the I Know It website using their own username and password. They will be shown a kid-friendly version of the homepage, from which they can quickly and easily access the math activities you have assigned to them for practice. If you choose to give them the option through your administrator account, your students can explore other math lessons at their grade level and beyond, for additional practice or an extra challenge. Grade levels in the student mode of I Know It are designated with letters instead of numbers (i.e., "Level E" for fifth grade), making it easy for you to assign math activities based on each child's needs and skill level.
This interactive math lesson is classified as Level E. It may be ideal for a fifth-grade class.
Word Problems: Choose the Operation (All Four Operations) (Level E)
In this fifth grade-level math lesson, students will practice solving word problems in which they must choose the operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
Multiple Step Word Problems (Four Operations) (Level E)
In this math lesson geared toward fifth grade, students will practice solving multiple-step word problems in which they must choose from the four operations to solve: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.