Here's a fun and engaging math lesson that helps students practice adding and subtracting to 5. This kindergarten lesson is designed to help students master basic addition and subtraction up to five. By completing this lesson, students will become proficient in basic addition facts up to five and basic subtraction facts up to five.
Students will be given a variety of addition and subtraction problems in this kindergarten math lesson. Some addition and subtraction problems use place value blocks. Others are multiple choice questions, such as: 'Which makes 5?' with two choices, '2 + 2' and '2 + 3'. Still others use different visual aids like ten frames and pictures (flowers, cars, bowling balls, etc.)
We designed I Know It as an interactive math practice website geared toward elementary-aged children to help them gain confidence and proficiency in basic math skills, including basic addition and subtraction to five. Both teachers and students enjoy using I Know It because our math lessons are educational and fun! When you use 'I Know It,' you'll immediately notice the easy-to-navigate layout, the kid-friendly colors and design, cheerful graphics, and whimsical animations. You'll also appreciate the high quality math content ranging hundreds of topics.
SWhen students practice adding and subtracting to five in this I Know It math lesson, they will discover several features (available across all I Know It lessons) that help them succeed in their math practice. A progress-tracker on the right-hand side of the screen lets students know how many questions they've answered in the lesson thus far. A score-tracker shows students how many questions they've answered correctly so far. A hint button in the lower-left corner of the screen gives students a written or pictorial clue to help them get started on the addition or subtraction problem. If the students get an answer wrong, an explanation page appears to show students, step-by-step, how to answer the question correctly, so they can learn from their mistakes.
Additionally, the speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the screen indicates the read-aloud feature. When students click this button, the problem will be read aloud to them in a clear voice. This feature is ideal for ESL/ELL students and students who excel at auditory learning.
Now it's time to give this math lesson a try! We hope you like this adding and subtracting to 5 lesson. Don't forget to browse our complete collection of other math topics!
We welcome you to sign up for a free 30-day trial on I Know It so you and your class can try out this addition and subtraction to 5 lesson. Your students may play for free, but they will be capped at twenty-five questions per day across all math lessons on iKnowIt.com. For complete and unlimited access to our lessons and administrative features, you will need to sign up for an I Know It membership.
You'll find many benefits to your I Know It membership. For example, you can create a class list and add your students to it, create individual user names and passwords for each of your students, assign different lessons to individual students, view student progress and lesson scores, print, download, and email student progress reports, and change lesson settings.
Students will log in with their unique user name and password. Their homepage displays large icons and a kid-friendly design. Under the 'My Assignments' section, students will find the math lessons you've given them to complete. They also have the option to explore other lessons at their grade levels, as well as lessons at different grade levels. The grade levels in student mode appear as 'Level A,' 'Level B,' 'Level C,' etc., so that you can assign lessons based on skill level.
This interactive math game is categorized on I Know It as a Level K lesson. It may be ideal for kindergarten or first grade students.
K.OA.5, MA.K.AR.1.3, MA.K.NSO.3.1, K.2I
Operations And Algebraic Thinking
Understand Addition As Putting Together And Adding To, And Under- Stand Subtraction As Taking Apart And Taking From.
Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Addition to 5 (Level K)
In this kindergarten-level math lesson, students will practice adding to five. Questions are presented in a variety of formats, including five-frames, pictorial representations, number sentences, and more.
Subtraction Facts Drill Within Five (Level K)
Students will practice subtracting within five in this kindergarten-level math lesson. Questions are presented in a drill-style format.