Compare Objects to 10

Read Question Aloud
Which set has more flowers?














Kindergarten Compare Objects up to Quantity Ten GameKindergarten Comparing Object Counts to 10 Total Game

Kindergarten Math Lesson - Compare Objects to 10

Get ready to help your kindergarten students practice comparing objects to ten! In this interactive math activity from, children will compare groups of objects up to ten. Here are some of the ways your students will put their math skills to the test in this online math game:

  • Decide which group of objects has more.
  • Decide which group of objects has less or fewer.
  • Use ten-frames and place value blocks to compare objects to ten.
  • Compare groups of objects, such as paper clips, ice cream cones, counters, marbles, or apples.

Questions in this kindergarten math lesson are presented in multiple-choice format.

Your kindergarten students will be able to rely on a variety of helpful features built right into their math lesson to help them make the most of their math practice session. A hint button provides a relevant written or pictorial clue when children get stuck on a question. A detailed explanation page pops up when students answer a question incorrectly, helping them learn from mistakes. The progress-tracker shows students how many questions they have answered so far out of the total number of questions in the math activity. A score-tracker lets students view how many points they have earned for correct answers. Plus, a speaker icon gives students the opportunity to hear the question read out loud to them in a clear voice. It's a great option for ESL/ELL students and children who are auditory learners!

All of the math lesson features available to your students on I Know It have been thoughtfully designed to help them soar to success in their math practice.

Kindergarten Compare Objects up to Quantity Ten LessonKindergarten Comparing Object Counts to 10 Total Lesson

Interactive Math Practice Is the Right Choice for Teachers and Students

Your kindergarten students will absolutely love practicing comparing objects to ten (and many other math skills) on Our interactive math practice program has something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you are an elementary math teacher, homeschool educator, or school administrator, you'll appreciate the many highlights that help our digital math program stand out:

  • Hundreds of engaging math lessons, aligned to the Common Core Standard and written by accredited elementary math teachers like you
  • Dozens of foundational math topics covered in math lessons that are systematically categorized on our website by grade level and topic
  • Helpful administrator tools that give you plenty of options for tracking and reporting your students' math practice progress and helping your students get the most out of their math practice sessions

Students love using the I Know It math program to practice their math skills. Here are some of the features little ones love best about our website:

  • Fun, yet challenging, math activities that capture students' attention and motivate them to learn lots of new math skills
  • A bright, kid-friendly math lesson format
  • Whimsical animated characters that cheer students on in their math practice sessions
  • Age-appropriate emojis that pop up on the screen whenever students submit an answer to a math question
  • Math awards given out for new math skills mastered on I Know It

We hope you and your kindergarten class will enjoy comparing objects to 10 in this online math activity. Be sure to check out the hundreds of other kindergarten math lessons we have available on our website as well!

Try Interactive Math Games with Your Kindergarten Students for Free

Sign up for a free trial of and try out this comparing objects activity, as well as any of the math lessons on our website, at no cost for a full thirty days! We're confident you and your students will love experiencing the difference interactive math practice can make, and we hope you will be eager to join the I Know It community as a member when your free trial ends. We have membership options that are ideal for families, teachers, schools, and school districts. Be sure to check out our membership information page to discover which I Know It membership is right for you and your students:

One of the highlights of the I Know It math practice membership from an educator's perspective is our program's fantastic administrator tools. These handy features are built right into your parent or teacher administrator account and help you maximize your students' math practice experience:

  • Create a class roster for all of your students
  • Change basic math lesson settings, such as limiting the number of hints per lesson or turning the animated characters on or off at any time
  • Monitor student progress with detailed progress reports and class statistics
  • Assign specific math lessons to different students
  • Assign unique usernames and passwords to each of your students
  • Print, download, and email student progress reports...and more!

Your kindergarten students will log into with their unique username and password. From the kid-friendly homepage, they can quickly and easily find the math lessons you have assigned to them for practice. You also have the option to give your students permission to explore other math activities at their grade level and beyond for additional practice or an extra challenge. Grade levels in I Know It are designated by letter, rather than by number, making it easy for you to assign math lessons based on each child's needs and skill level.

Kindergarten Compare Objects up to Quantity Ten ActivityKindergarten Comparing Object Counts to 10 Total Activity


This online math lesson is classified as Level K. It may be ideal for a kindergarten class.

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