Your students will become experts at identifying patterns when they complete this online math game all about patterns! This kindergarten-level math lesson will help them recognize patterns using shapes and a variety of objects. After going through this I Know It lesson, your class will have increased confidence and proficiency in identifying patterns.
Children will be presented with a couple different question formats in this kindergarten math game. They may be asked to "Drag the object that continues the pattern," or "Choose the object that continues the pattern." They may be shown tomatoes and lettuce, hexagons, squares, and circles, or apples and bananas.
Several features in this interactive math activity are available to help children make the most out of their math practice time. If a student has difficulty answering a math question, he or she can click on the "Hint" button to be shown a relevant pictorial clue that will help them choose the correct answer. When a student answers a question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page will show him or her which answer is correct, providing a step-by-step tutorial if necessary to show how the problem should be solved. Students move forward through the lesson having learned from their mistakes.
Additional features include a score-tracker which allows students to see how many questions they've answered correctly, a progress-tracker which informs students how many questions they have answered in the lesson so far, and a speaker icon indicating the read-aloud feature — a perfect option for ESL/ELL students or students who prefer auditory learning.
Educators and students alike enjoy using our engaging, interactive math practice program. Teachers, parents, and school administrators are impressed by the scope and variety of math topics that are covered in our expanding collection of interactive math lessons. You will find all our math lessons aligned to the Common Core Standard. Educators appreciate the quality and depth of each of our math lessons, whether a kindergarten activity on pattern identification like this one, or a fifth-grade basic algebra exercise. Students enjoy our kid-friendly website layout with its easy-to-navigate format, bright and bold design, and the engaging presentation of the lessons themselves. From the whimsical animated characters to the opportunity to add awards to their "trophy case" for each new math milestone reached, students find I Know It math practice engaging, challenging, and fun!
We hope you and your kindergarten class will give this patterns lesson a try today. Be sure to check out the hundreds of other math lessons we have available on our website as well.
We hope you won't delay in signing up for a completely free, sixty-day trial of the I Know It math program so you and your students can practice patterns together and experience all that our math program has to offer! We are confident you will love using our online math program to supplement your classroom math curriculum, so after you take advantage of our free trial offer, you'll want to go ahead and register for an iKnowIt.com membership so you can continue to use our program for a full calendar year.
You'll find there are so many benefits to using I Know It in your classroom. You will watch your students' math skills soar, and you can closely monitor their progress with our handy administrative features. Create a class roster and add your students to it, assign usernames and passwords to each of your students, give specific lesson assignments to individual students, print, download, save, and email student progress reports, change lesson settings, and much more.
When your students log into our website with their unique username and password, they will be shown a kid-friendly homepage from which they will have instant access to the lessons you have assigned to them. If you choose to allow them to explore other math lessons in the lesson settings, they may also practice a variety of math skills at their grade level or even try out lessons at other grade levels.
Grade levels on I Know It are labeled with letters instead of numbers, making it easier for you to assign lessons based on the individual needs and skill levels of your students.
This online math lesson is classified as Level K. It may be ideal for a kindergarten class.
K.MD.3, MA.K12.MTR.5.1, V.E3
Measurement And Data
Classify Objects And Count The Number Of Objects In Each Category.
Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.3
Classifying Objects by Color (Level K)
In this kindergarten-level math lesson, students will practice classifying objects by color. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format and drag-and-drop format.
Classifying Objects by Size (Level K)
In this math lesson geared toward kindergarten, students will classify objects by size. Questions are presented in multiple choice format and drag-and-drop format.