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March 2020 Newsletter
iKnowIt Newsletter
Spring Telling Time ActivitiesBecome an Expert at Telling Time!

Celebrate the arrival of spring with three telling time activities featured in our March blog post. Students will practice telling time in hours and half hours, converting units of time, and calculating elapsed time in these spring-themed activities. Click the link below to read the article!

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Practice Basic Math Facts!Master Basic Math Facts

Help your students achieve math fact fluency with our math practice activities featuring the four basic operations. Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts are the building blocks to higher-level math concepts, so there is no better time to practice these skills with your class. Try out a math fact lesson today!

>> Try a Math Fact Activity
Teacher TipTeacher Tip: Assign Lessons in a Few Clicks!

Assigning math lessons on iKnowIt couldn't be easier! Simply browse our collection of interactive math lessons and click the check-mark icon next to each lesson you want to assign to students. You can choose whether you want to assign a lesson to your whole class or only to specific students. You can also set basic lesson parameters, such as the number of questions your students will answer in each lesson.

Enter the IKI SweepstakesEnter the March Sweepstakes

This month we're giving away a complete set of Power Pen! Math Quiz Cards and two Power Pens! to one lucky winner. Students will use the Power Pen! card sets to review basic math skills, including time, money, fractions, and place value. Put your name in the drawing by March 31st for your chance to win!

>> Go to IKI Contest Page
Free iKnowIt Access for Closed SchoolsFree Access to iKnowIt for Closed Schools

Our hearts reach out to the many communities affected by the COVID-19 virus. We would like to offer access to the iKnowIt math practice program free of charge to any schools affected by the virus-related closures. Please click the link below to learn more and to request complimentary access.

>> Special Access Request
We Are Here for You

The iKnowIt team wants you to know that we are here for you during this challenging time. We are committed to supporting our teaching community in the midst of difficult circumstances however we can. Now more than ever, your teaching needs are important to us!

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