Practice basic subtraction within 10. This online math practice game will have students eager to review their basic subtraction facts. In this lesson, students will demonstrate the ability to:
* Subtract using pictures of circular counter discs.
* Solve basic subtraction word problems. (Each problems uses simple language and can be read aloud. Hints include graphics.)
* Write the answers to horizontal facts, represented by numbers.
Kids love playing iKnowIt.com math games because they make learning easy and fun. When students answer correctly, the animated character will jump, laugh, cheer, or dance. When they answer incorrectly, they'll be provided with an easy-to-understand graphical explanation.
Sometimes kids just need a little extra help to find the correct answer. If they click the "hint" button in the lower left, they'll be presented with a clue to help them solve the problem on their own. When teachers or parents are logged in, they can turn this feature on and off.
Members who sign up for an account have access to scores of features. When you log in, you'll be able to set up a class roster, and you'll be able to set up an individual login for each student. When students log in, you will be able to see the their scores, and you'll even be able to view the individual problems they missed.
When students log in, they'll be presented with their own kid-friendly homepage. They'll see "assignments from the teacher" at the top, followed by recommended math topics to explore. Students will NOT see the grade levels of individual assignments, so you don't have to worry about choosing from other grade levels when you differentiate your assignments.
Teachers can also adjust which type of animations students see, whether or not questions should be read aloud, and how many hints you'd like a student to be able to use in each lesson.
You are invited to browse through the hundreds of math lessons on this site. Whether you're teaching counting, shapes, time, money, or place value, we have an interactive lesson for you class. To see more math games for kindergartners, please hop on over to our Kindergarten Math page.
K.OA.1, K.OA.2, MA.K.AR.1.3, MA.K.NSO.3.1, K.3A
Operations And Algebraic Thinking
Understand Addition As Putting Together And Adding To, And Under- Stand Subtraction As Taking Apart And Taking From.
Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings2, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Patterns (Level K)
Tell which shape or color comes neat in the given patterns. All problems have large, colorful graphics.
One Less (Subtraction) (Level K)
Practice subtracting one from any given number. Each problem has a visual component to help students.